Roll With It

By Falmike

Not One For Small Talk

Today was a good day, time flew by at work and I got a boat load done.
Then it was home, form filling and cheque signing for Joshua to take to Scouts, form filling for Joshua's transition from primary to secondary school. The amount of information that these data bases must hold on individuals and families is frightening.
After washing, shaving and changing it was off to Penryn Town Hall for the Mayor Choosing Ceremony. Gill Grant has retained the Mayorship for the 2012-2013 Civic Year, lovely lady. I know her via, and was invited through, the RNA/Sea Cadets connection. I stayed long enough to congratulate Gill over an orange juice and then made my apologies.
I don't do 'small talk' not well anyway, it's the 'falseness' of it, circling the room, politely enquiring "How are you, haven't seen you since Jeffery's election on Monday",(Jeffery Evans was elected Falmouth Mayor on Monday night), same people more or less at the same functions. Part of the duties of a Chairman, nobody forces me so no real whinging.

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