The rest of forever...

By DrMac


Woke up to -4.5 degrees outside and not much warmer inside as I had turned the heating back to 'auto'! Took a little while to defrost the car but we headed to West Common again and strolled with Debs and Freya. Freya and Pip played ball all the way around so I got a rest!

Went to the Carlton a Centre to meet Stu, Tara and the boys and exchanged Christmas presents. I got ski socks....your present is sat here waiting for you for your April return to the UK! Went to Pets at Home and bought the girls a fleece blanket for the bottom of their bed as they seem to be very cold at the moment. Pip can now use the other blanket to wrap up in...she likes a good snuggle!

Home afterwards, soup for lunch, now I'm doing house jobs and preparing for going to work tomorrow. Bought a big chicken to cook in the new oven later on. Looks yum. Then an early night. School tomorrow.

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