The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Heading Home

We woke at 7am and I enjoyed another hot shower before we packed and sorted our kit out for the flight later today. We went back to Himalayan Java for breakfast and then took a taxi to Boudnath to see the Stupa. They are doing some major work to the limestone covering and after wandering around the stupa with the local monks and people, we sat and drank coffee and watched these men hard at work. Frightening to think that most of them were not wearing masks of any kind.

We took a taxi back to Thamel, bought Q a book and then popped into the Guesthouse to collect our belongings and put our rucksacks into the store room. An early and large lunch was enjoyable but a bit too much food really, I've gone from feeling fit and healthy to feeling a little tubby again since we came off the mountains. We then sat in the gardens for a while before the final taxi to the airport. Home time.

We enjoyed the privileges of the Silver Lounge at Kathmandu and then after a six hour flight to Doha, we are not sat here in the Silver Lounge again and enjoying free food and drink. Back on the healthy eating lifestyle from the moment we touch down in London...I have a triathlon to train for that's at the end of May! I'm fighting off a cold, well I have been for the last few days and I'm hoping the current sniffle is just due to flights and traveling. I'm about to pop into Duty Free to find myself some perfume and face cream...the altitude, sun, wind and extreme cold has done some damage to my skin and I need a bloody good remedy!

I can't back slip all my pics as some are on the small camera we bought and some are on Paul's mini back-blipping may have to wait until next weekend when I see Paul again. Until then, its been one hell of a trip and now it's time to go back to reality. I've finished the Prospectus and Paul has proof read it so I'm going to email it to the Designers in a minute. Here it is the middle of the night but in the UK it's only 6.45pm!

Sleep tight one and all, I'll be back in Blighty tomorrow! And Mum and Dad, I'll ring you from the train! ;0) x

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