And it sure was.  Went for a walk from Stogumber down into Kingswood, the next small hamlet and just like this time last year, we were amazed to see Daffodils out already.  Not too surprised about the Snowdrops!

The geese are always grazing in the field next to a very modern bungalow.  This clip doesn't really show how big they are.

But the pink balloons were fascinating.  We found them walking down through the little plantation which is very kindly permitted for us residents.  It held a very passionate inscription, obviously to a someone who had been loved very dearly.  It also had a mobile number to call if you found the balloons, but sadly the number didn't register.  Odd.

We were glad to get back home and thoroughly enjoyed a lovely drop of warmed mulled wine.  With roast chicken dinner now cooking, thought I would get this done before I get caught up with Matthew etc.

It will be a sad day tomorrow for us all, especially Phoebe who has enjoyed our company for the last two weeks.  Mr A will get up and be gone by 6.am and I will return Matthew back to Taunton, then go on to work.  Was hoping we would have moved by now, but clearly we will have to learn more patience.

Sending hugs and thanks to you all.  Sorry I haven't been able to comment much with Matty here. xxxx

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