Friday Foto

By drmackem

The Crescent

A blip in desperation, cameraless and blipless in Ilkley.

Big move today for M in L into something smaller proved a satisfying if exhausting way to spend the day. My boys were truly fantastic, demonstrating domestic skills and a work ethic hitherto unimagined.

Early evening came and that awkward moment when moving when no one knows where the plates and spoons or indeed the food is. I suggested that now wasn't the time to stress but a time to celebrate a new beginning so we went to spend M in L's money on a lovely family celebration meal at the new restaurant in the crescent building.

The crescent was opened in 1861 as a hotel with 30 bedrooms and stabling for 20 horses during the rapid expansion that still gives Ilkley it's rather distinguished Victorian feel. The street furniture and the fact I took the photo on my phone(honestly how weird is that) give a lie to the dated processing intentions.

Friday tomorrow, boxes to unpack, holes to be drilled, pictures to hang, plates to find, and a visit or two to the tip.

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