An Invincible Summer.....

By TheFlipFlopper



Nikki is getting married next Saturday and this was taken at her celebratory drinks party at work!

We never do anything without fizz in this place!

We got her a few nice wedding gifts and even pressured her into giving a speech and we were all quite shocked when she didn't cry ;)

After the disaster that happened on the hen weekend (ie. me, the morning after) I vowed to never drink again.....but alas, the bubbles were calling out my name!

Once all the grown ups had left we polished off all the prosecco and this was the last cork popped.....we never once let her glass run dry!

So next weekend we will all be winging our way out to somewhere near Sevenoaks to watch her marry the man of her dreams and to live the life that dreams are made of ;)

This blip is dedicated to the 2 crazy kids tying the knot next week ;) ?

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