Sun flares in a playground of the bunnies!

So the flu got me, finally. Hubby had it in xmas - and now it seems to be my turn. I have tried to drink litres of Mari's delicious lemon-honey-hot drink, but finally I had to give up. Off from work today. No need to infect others. I am not that important person...

In the afternoon I decided to have a very small walk into the woods of the backyard. I even climbed on to the low hill to see the sun flares, enjoy and capture some nice scenery.

Sunny, -11c, no wind, only snow (no ice) on the ground.
Just so marvellous weather!
And I saw this playground of a bunny!
Well the jumping rope is maybe owned by some of the neighbour children.. ;)

A woodpecker was there too, knocking on the wood and talking to me for a while. His forest, "not yours, I am warning you - go away!"
I followed him on my way got back home, to have some rest.

Hope you have had a nice start for your week!
We have bank holiday tomorrow, due the Epiphany.

I have been sleeping all the evening, listening "the hockey round" from the radio. I'd had discount tickets to my favourite Team playing tonight. But I could not go there.

Thanks for stars and hearts lately!

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