
I’m an sleepy little collie this evening.  Today Ann’s boss, Steve, had the day off so Ann said, ‘Molly, I’m going to work all day.  You can come with me.’

 Obviously I prefer going to work with Ann to being left ‘home alone’, but I was a little bit cross, because when I go to work I only get ‘on my lead’ walks and a short play in the horse field.

And do you know what?.........................................  Today I didn’t even get a play in the horse field.  Today Ann said, ‘Molly, I need to go to the post box so we’ll have a little walk there instead of going into the field.’  …………….Walking to the post box is not really very exciting for an energetic little collie like me!!

However, I’ve been left alone in the office quite a few times today and ‘office guarding’ is exhausting.  I have to stay alert at all times so I haven’t had any sleep time.

Walked home about an hour ago and as soon as I got into the house I just flopped down by the front door for a snooze.  Ann gave me my dinner but I’m far too sleepy to eat it.  Ann says she’s going to leave it out for me so that I can have a little snack when I wake up.

And in other news…………………  For those of you who looked at our yesterdays BLIP on an iphone; the last two paragraphs are missing?????  We posted the BLIP on the laptop and everything seems hunky dory there (though really missing the ‘crop’ tool) but the last bit of our blurb doesn’t show when we look at it on the iphone.   Grrrrrrrrrr………….


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