New Year Resolutions

Ann’s ‘New Year Resolution’ was to have an ‘alcohol free’ January.  Well that lasted all of two days???!!!  She went out for a meal last night, which involved copious quantities of alcohol…………………

 ……………..And then, when she got home at 10pm, she decided to invite the new neighbours in for a glass couple of bottles of Prosecco?? 

 The ‘new’ neighbours are now Ann’s new best friends???  They’re doctors! Drinking way over the recommended government guidelines for alcohol consumption doesn’t count if you’re drinking with the medical profession, right????

OK – she’s restarted her ‘New Year Resolution’ today!!!

 …………..And her second ‘New Year Resolution’ is to take me on extra long walks. So I’ve had a lovely long run about on Gwithian Dunes. Yay!! 

 Soon we will both be very fit, healthy, slim and gorgeous looking???

 PS – Thanks for all your handy hints re posting comments & linking to FB via the ‘Polaroid/Blipfoto iphone app’.  Haven’t a clue how we’ve done this; but yesterday’s blip popped up on our FB page so we must have done something right???  Still can’t post comments from the iphone app though???!!!

 Oh and we just tried to subscribe follow someone new and when we clicked on the ‘follow’ button we got a message back saying, ‘request pending’????  What’s that all about then?  Perhaps Blip should just have merged gone into partnership with Facebook! We’ve had quite a few new subscribers since the new BLIP.  People must like our rants!  Haven’t been asked to confirm anyone as a friend follower though???? Nor do we know how many people we’re following or are following us because the numbers telling us how many subscribers we had don’t seem to exist anymore.

 And while we’re on the subject of subscribers……………………  how do we find anyone?  We’ve got more than 700 subscribers and in the old days they were listed in alphabetical order.  Does anyone know how they’re listed now?????

 Sorry, can’t help ranting……………………..  We’re miles out of our ‘comfort zone’!!!

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