
A busy day working at the interface only broken up by a trip up to the West End office - the desktop machine there was slower than a very slow thing and then decided it needed eleven updates. So I picked up post and watered the plants and returned to the laptop and an afternoon of TeX-wrangling. (My favourite!).

On my journey I noticed dozens of Xmas trees having been put out for the recycling - but not a single stump did I see. Perhaps trees don't come with stumps any more - a couple of years ago they were highly prized.

Discovered a new Blip trick (courtesy of Himself again) - deploying the street view mannikin. I haven't done much map-tagging since The Change as I find it's become rather a fiddle, but if you go to this and click on the map icon, you can then click and drag the little yeller feller on to the spot from which I took the photo. You might have to get him to twirl round, mind. (And he's too slippery to manoeuvre on the iPad). But oh, what pleasurable time-wasting awaits.....:-)

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