The Little Lyle Files

By kevinwatters


This is the result when we ask the children to tidy up. So glad that we didn’t ask them to make a mess. It appears that our desire to tidy it more than this is merely us spoiling their enjoyment of Christmas.

Today gave me one of those firsts, in this case the first visit to the cinema since my surgery in August. Without putting too fine a point on it, at home I have the luxury of a pause facility on the DVD player when I need to nip out to the loo but that is not really an option at the cinema. However, despite the fact that I had stuffed my face in Nandos before going into the cinema, I passed today’s test with flying colours: unlike the people in the row behind who were in and out of their seats throughout the film and took every opportunity to bash my head on the way past.

The film we saw was Paddington and I must admit that I went along prepared to be slightly disappointed. In contrast, I thought it was a brilliantly entertaining and amusing film with lots of humour for all age groups.

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