Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Princes Street

After the New Year's Day washout, the 2nd, also a holiday in Scotland, started off very wintry. I was glad to get out in to the fresh air as I headed up to post a letter and go to the newsagent.

So the morning was spent checking Twin 1's goggles, ski socks and other stuff for his school ski trip. Fortunately all that was required was a few pairs of ski socks. I was glad there wasn't a big equipment hunt.

After the socks were purchased, I head down Princes Street. The clouds had cleared by now. this allowed me to get a nice Shot of the Scott Monument and The Balmoral Hotel with two of the more spectacular rides at Edinburgh Christmas, the Big Wheel and Star Flyer.

Still to blip my New Year's Day project.

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