Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

New Year Day Project - Lomography Konstruktor

A very wet day in Edinburgh. Twin 1 was the only one to venture outside, but that's only because the newsagent was open. Fortunately it wasn't very early, so we all had a bit of a lie in.

As the day progressed, it became apparent that the weather was not going to improve very soon, so I set about making my Christmas present. A Lomography build your own film SLR camera.

The box said 1 to 2 hours, which was about right. Quite fiddly in some aspects, and there was the usual some bits left over at the end. I worked out that these were spares in case something rolled under the sofa. At the end it did seem to work quite well, although the viewfinder does require quite a lot of light.

The blip shows the before and after.

After finishing it, the only semi decent film that wasn't Mary Poppins was Galaxy Quest. That filled in the afternoon quite nicely.

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