
First day back at work today. Trawling through the e-mails took about an hour and a half. Coffee then onto code and various discussions. NK for lunch and finally a very slow session at the gym (burning approximately half a slice of Christmas cake). Just watch: by the end of the week the holidays will be a distant memory. Gah.

I've been meaning to photograph this for a while (points if you know where it is!) - a rather lovely cross between stained glass and an optical illusion - those vertical lines aren't really as bent as they look...

Music for today: another mixture of The Clash, Seapony (urksohipstermuststopthereverb), Deftones and Modest Mouse. 

I see P J Harvey is going to be recording at Somerset House... time to get a ticket! oh well, maybe not.

Have a work of genius instead.

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