Mom and Babes

Garage sale Thursday. My 2 sisters, my 2 daughters, and me. Big sale day. 20 -25 sales in 7 hours of shopping. WHEW! They tire me out.

We were well into the afternoon when one of my sisters yelled..."Tim, Tim...swans with babies!" I had my camera with me, but there was no place to park. My daughter dropped us off, and we cautiously crossed the road. A tight squeeze. We got a couple of honks...and they weren't from geese.

Real hard to see through the reeds until they moved out into open water. I couldn't believe that they had 2 separate nests...Mom and babies in one, Dad on the other. All I could think of was maybe a man space. Could happen.

I went with books and CD's at the sales today. I find myself reading in the halls of the hospital waiting for the doctor to see his patients. I'm in the middle of my 8th book. I also bought a nest box for Robins for 2 bucks, mostly to steal the design. A fun time was had by all.

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