
Somebody on Blip posted a beautiful cornflower this week. Before I saw it, I never even knew such a flower existed. I thought I would post my own cornflower.

It was amazing to me how fast this thing bloomed. And, how it is in so many stages of ripeness. It is so early in the season to have cornflowers.

You might think that the cornflower is a figment of MY imagination. HA! And, if you think the white in the background and the gold in the center might be a daisy...that just might be a figment of YOUR imagination.

If the flower could might say;
1. "Lend me an EAR, and I'll sing you a song."
2. To a military man..."Are you a major or a KERNEL?"
3. " Please pick me before I'm POPCORN."
4."What in the HULL is happening?"
5. "You and that camera BUTTER back off!"
6. "My name? Ty COB."
7. "You think I'm pretty? Aw...SHUCKS."
8. "Are you STALKing me?"
9. "Please don't CREAM me, or make me into FRITOS!"

OK! That's enough! Worst thing about this blip? The five ears cost me 2 dollars. Best thing? At least we get to eat them.

The cornflower....amazing. Put it in LARGE to see its uniqueness.

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