A trip to Lapland

A mixed day - long and enjoyable but, for me, a little difficult in parts.
I can only speak for myself and Fergsuon with respect to this, but we had a lovely, fun, memorable day. There was a husky ride (my favourite), sledging, reindeer sleigh ride, icicle fencing and of course seeing the big man himself.
Gracie and Ferguson had lots of fun playing and chatting together and I felt as though Alex hated me that little bit less.
It was very cold and wonderfully strange to experience darkness in the middle of the afternoon!
I love the beauty that is a snowy landscape -it's so pure and tranquil. Granted, I don't think I will ever live permanently in such a climate but I do love the crispness of a cold, frosty place.
Ferguson's behaviour, however, let me down dramatically, and I was completely devastated...more so for Gracie and Alex than for myself.
There was a "scene" at the snowsuit place and then a compete lack of fair play on our return flight home. My disappointment was indescribable. I was furious and was completely lost for the right words to apologise. I hope that Ferguson's utter disregard for Gracie, and his out and out selfishness, didn't upset her too much. I certainly did me, and without a doubt Alex.
I couldn't even bear to look at him for the entire journey home.
That said, I have so much to thank Barry & Rebecca for allowing Fergsuon & I to experience such a magical day. They really are very kind people & I will always be grateful.

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