Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

Chinook Sunset

A very windy day.  Chinooks are strong winds that often sweep down over Front Range from the eastern slope of the Rockies. With gusts of 160 kilometers per hour or more, these downslope winds can turn violent and very destructive. And they generally occur in January, although they can occur at other times of the year as well.  They are also generally warmer than the surround air. 

Today's chinook was very strong and very warm.  Almost all the snow that I piled up yesterday was melted in a matter of hours.  But there were a lot of tree limbs that were blown down. 

The appraiser came by today, and later the inspector and the buyers.  The appraiser seemed to really like the house and asked lots of questions.  He agreed that the house was like no other house in the area.  Interestingly, the inspector also commented on the good condition of the house and how well maintained it was.  But I was most interested in talking with the buyers.  They were clearly in love with the house.  They wanted to know everything about and asked me questions for over two hours.  They measured for their furniture and other decorating items them are planning.  They were very engaged with the house. 

All of this gave me hope that the closing might actually occur this time.  We should know more towards the end of the week. 

In the meantime, I am still trying to pack amidst all the other things going on.  Tomorrow the radon mitigation equipment will be installed, so I will be busy with that all day.  

With all the busyness today, I barely had time to step out on the front porch and catch a bit of the sunset.  It was blowing pretty hard, which probably created some of the blurriness. 

I was saddened again today when I read that two other long standing blippers will be leaving us.  Despite my encouragement, they have decided that their time is at an end.  We seemed to have entered into a rough storm.  I hope that you all will hold fast and continue on. 

Thank you for all of the stars of my wintery blip yesterday!

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