
By allearsandeyes

street scene madras

today to kilpauk with a taxi, to do Laser on Anthony's eye-successfully! 
then we went ot T-Nagar, to Sundari silks. the roads were so full it took ridiculously long and we finally didn't have much time there...then some lunch, then the cardiologist, then Leela Samson dancing. then we were so tired that we didn't' go to the next dance.

i had taken the camera with me in the taxi: this is one of the photos taken. 

see the shoemaker in the background and the posters? no matter how old the shoes: they can always be repaired. even plastic flip-flops get sewn with thread.

the man with the bike has a little golden ear-ring. this has not at all the same meaning as in the West. in Rajasthan many, if not most of the Rajput men wear earrings. 

Chennai is a total block. so many vehicles, so much dust and CARBON DIOXIDE. 


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