Back to it

5years 77days

Katie woke up at a reasonably sensible school day time. My body didn't want to be so obliging. And despite beig awake, Katie had no desire to be "up and at it" as she knew it was back to school today. It took a whole heap of nagging to get her out the door and cycled to school! But she got there, went in with a minimal amount of fuss in the end.

She came out annoyed that she'd had to read a book she already did (and objected to as it was insultingly simple) last term. I was annoyed for her too- it wasn't even the whole book she read but three pages. Literally 9 words. But she had 2 additional books and worksheets as homework that were a little less insulting. Though I object that the work more aimed at her abilities is only being offered for homework- surely this should be what school is giving her. Anyway, she designed a micro park of a book slide, ribbon rope swings and teacup stepping stones with some great sentences explaining, to go with the park book and was quite proud of her little park.

The blip is her doing her "bike ballet" on the way home from school. We travel this path on our cycle route and each time she spends most of the path doing increasingly brave "tricks" - today she did bike ballet, both legs out wide, froggy cycling and practising putting her hand out for signalling. With huge giggles.

Granny and grandad arrived for tea- a sign we are definitely back to the normal routine of term time. I'm counting down to half term already - and mentally composing the letter to her head teacher that's looking likely.

She went to bed after reading to me from the first Rainbow Magic fairy story that she has and I read from a new Nina the fairy ballerina that I got in the charity shop for 10p! Bigger girls books now, think the shelves may need a sort out as we are moving on from the little kids books- last night was the science encyclopaedia, tonight proper bigger girls story books- sniff sniff!

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