
By McCaviti

Clean Desk Policy

I don't think I've really got the message.... & my desk is still not really clean...

This looks more like one of the Spot What puzzles that my children love so much...

A lot more fun!

Can you find...

* 3 analgesics
* 42 teabags
* a decorative tampon container
* a registered post slip for an item a courier failed to deliver or Australia Post failed to store
* some illegible post it notes that will never be acted on
* Rose Red & Snow White in pirate mode
* a school sock that probably no longer fits
* a promotional security tag that may not be worn outside the building, presumbably at great expense and little benefit to the Australian taxpayer
* transparently thin employee morale

This one's dedicated to the ironing elf who is coming around to press some shirts at the weekend while we're swanning around in Sydney.

I don't deserve you ;)

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