Ozzy's back

Ozzy, my very gorgeous golden retriever boyfriend, has come to stay for a few days.

This afternoon Ann was going to take us both for a really long walk but it’s been raining for most of the day so we just went to the beach for an hour instead.

Usually when I go to the beach Ann brings my bouncy ball for me to play with.  However, those of you who read our blips regularly will know that Ozzy chews up my bouncy balls, so I wasn’t allowed to play with my bouncy ball today.

Instead I dug a big deep hole.  And then, do you know what Ozzy did?  ………………..  He rolled on his back right next to my big deep hole so that all the sand fell in it and filled it up again!!!

And in other news……………….  Ann emailed ‘Blip Central’ yesterday with a long list of questions re things she can’t do and things she can’t find, on this ‘new improved site’.  They replied this afternoon saying that they will pass her questions on to the ‘appropriate’ team.  They also said that a lot of her questions could be found on the ‘FAQ page’ and if we wanted to know where old features had gone we could look on the ‘Established User Support’ page.  Been there & couldn’t find any answers???

However, Ann thinks that she’s maybe been a bit too ‘ranty’??!!! She's good at ranting!

……………So, she replied to ‘BlipCentral’ and asked if they could send us very simple instructions as to how to comment using an iphone4s. (We’ve deleted & reinstalled the app and done everything else you lovely Blippers suggested).

Everything else can wait!

Very impressed that ‘BlipCentral’ can send out a personal reply in such a short space of time.  And as we’ve got membership now till September 2016 I guess we’ll be sticking around for a while. LOL!!!!!!

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