Warning - hunter gatherers at work

Last night transpired to be an enjoyable and civilized do and hence today existed. Indeed it is the last day here for DS#1 and Charlotte A so it was ordained that it had to be a festive and large evening meal. A significant chunk of the venison was removed from its temporary home in the freezer and these two in the Blip braved the elements and the tide to garner some mussels - or Mytilis Edulis  as I now know they are called after a slightly bizarre charades mixed with University Challenge game we played on Friday.
They proved to be very tasty as was the venison and indeed as were the two puddings provided by Tricia until we googled the provenance of glycerine - a key ingredient in one torte. This put a little bit of a damper of enthusiasm for more there and then.
A relatively early night as DS#1 and Charlotte A have a relatively early morning tomorrow to catch their ferry.

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