A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Odd day

In my little world overall good despite me being a boring cliche of a person struggling to get back in the swing of things on a grey day following a wonderful holiday. But my cold has moved on and I was determined to get crank up the system and participate in the world at least a little today. And who'd have thought broccoli bread was so delicious. Especially for lunch with fried eggs. My mom had good news from her tests and X-Rays and it seems hopeful her troubles can be sorted with short-term pain management and longer-term physio. We've booked to visit the puppies at the weekend and arranged our choosing time a couple of weeks later. The kids have just been lovely and funny and kind. I even did some actual work.

In contrast in many other worlds there are unbearable things people are somehow bearing / expected to bear. Of course this is always true and just some days it is brought into sharper focus. What does warm my heart is much of the world's intelligent, compassionate and even witty response in the face of those who think they can intimidate and bully free speech away. I wonder if that is any comfort though to the families of the victims and their turned upside down worlds.

An odd day and now an odd blip. If you're still here, apologies for ramblings.

Play nice folks,
Lesley x

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