A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

When the Sicilians ask for help

You don't ignore it. And so into town I dashed for an emergency data delivery. And nice opportunity to check out Carlos' new turf and have a sneaky middle of the day coffee. And very nice it all is too.

And I took the chance to wander to a nearby shop I have been meaning to check out since discovering the original in Brooklyn back in September. Fortunately it isn't closer and I'm not down this way that often or it would do serious damage to my wallet.

What else on the first official day back at work? Well with the mercy dash and my head alternating between being full of cold and worrying about my mom who is probably fine but is under the weather in a slightly odd way, not all that much of what you might call actual work. A few more days until my first deadline so not too terrible but tomorrow needs to be a different flavour.

Lesley x

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