Tip Toe

Which I did out onto the deck to take this image.  The tree is a book leaf pine which was planted as a miniature some 15 years ago - there's one each side of the steps leading down onto the lawn.

Miniature? Ha!  No way are these trees miniature.;

This year the weather must have been right for them, because they are covered in seed pods.  Which the lorikeets evidently love.

You can see 4 whole birds, a tail, and a little smudge of a head if you look closely enough and I think there were more birds on the other side which we can't see at all.  They all took off in a panic once they heard the clicks of the camera, screeching at the tops of their voices.

For such small birds, they are LOUD.

Heartfelt condolences for the people of France on this terrible day. 

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