While it lasts

Snow and sleet (max +3°C)  again for most of the day but not settling. It's the last efforts before rain and storms arrive from the British Isles due to give us temperatures of around +15°C at the weekend.

Flash refused to join Luna and myself for the morning walk but he did get up to take a morning bath. One can just make out a few snowflakes streaking against his dark patches. Partly psychological, partly physical - he doesn't like the route he knew I was going as it's difficult for the first 5 minutes, lots of brambles and deep snow - he loves snow but with his slow gait now it easily gets stuck in his paws. If we could find his boots, probably wouldn't help on this stretch as the brambles would pull them off.

While he didn't join us, he knows he is duty bound to protect us so we could hear him barking and yowling for the next ten minutes and again when we got closer to home on the return.

In the evening Angie took them out for another walk in a direction which Flash prefers. They were almost off the property when Flash spotted me putting the lights on in the stables and knew the horses were coming in. This is his job, so he galloped over, rounded them up and drove them in (he thinks he did at least). Job done and he galloped back to Angie.

Unless you have had a border collie like Flash, it's impossible to believe how duty driven they are. In his case it extends to 24 hour personal protection, which means he is constantly under your feet. Wish Jamie Oliver would write a cook book for BC owners - don't need any food ingredients just how to get from sink to fridge to cooker ... without tripping up. Then need to know how to sit on the sofa when the BC has taken up position there where your feet need to be. How to put on wellies with a BC between your legs.... and so it goes on.

Luna who is nearly 2.5, is slowly beginning to take on more responsibilities. Until now she was mainly busy with chasing crows from the area around the chickens and one must admit very well too - one squawk and she is dashing around.

I think she has realised her elder brother is getting a bit slower and needs some help. She is increasingly giving her "help" with the horses and chickens but it's still usually a bit chaotic. It's not her fault - sadly we don't have the knowledge or skills to train her properly. Ought to be an obligation for all potential BC owners to pass a training course. Giving them a task to fulfill is more important to their well being than giving them food

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