Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Tuesday, Jan. 6, 2015 -- Shine Cafe's Spring Roll

We walked the pups mid-day -- much earlier than the past several days. We found some sea glass and got our feet wet and then headed back to our car that we had parked at the pier. 

We have learned that if we walk the pups from the house to the beach and then along the shoreline, they get tucker-out. So we put them in the car and drive to the pier at the north end of town or we drive to the south end beach. Both of those have public restrooms. Then they get to walk the sand for a much longer time. They love the sand.

Once we got them back in the car, we drove 4-miles south to the community of Morro Bay so that we could do several tasks and we wanted to stop at the Shine Cafe (a health food establishment) to get a cup of their soup-of-the-day. It was Navy Bean with chard and potato. It was delicious. We also decided to split a spring roll. We had never had one. It was delicious. The sesame ginger dressing that accompanied the roll was also very good. 

Mr. Fun was told by his doctor on December 4th that he needs to stop eating meat (animal) and dairy products. The doctor wants Mr. Fun to eat more vegetables and fruits, and eating them raw, rather than cooked, is the best (we are not always eating them raw, though). So that's what we are doing in regards to our diet. The only day we broke the vegan diet since December 4 was Christmas when we cooked a turkey dinner with all the extras for our family. Mr. Fun returns to his doctor on February 17 and will have blood work done before that. The doctor assured him that his blood work would improve immensely, even within a month, if he'd choose a vegan diet. So we'll see.

Good night from California's Central Coast,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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