Beach Sculpture

My friend Zom and I were so pleasantly surprised when we got to one of our favourite spots on the beach today.
Someone had made a sculpture using some of the HUGE logs that had been washed up ...a was so wonderful sitting in this magical coastal setting. There was also much debris ...which ...was being enjoyed by those terns with the funny hairdos and the seagulls...they all looked as if they were sitting in their nests.

After taking many a pic of this (this one is a pano of about 14 pics) I went up on the wall and walked along to check out the crashing waves....I was really happy that I had brought my filters and tripod...I could of stayed up there for hours experimenting....(there is something so fabulous about waves crashing and spurting up) but the sun was getting too hot....we had to find a friendly tree to sit under for a while.

I am hoping that the ocean doesn't wash this sculpture away as I want to bring Flynn here to check it out...I think he will love it.

“It isn't by getting out of the world that we become enlightened, but by getting into the world…by getting so tuned in that we can ride the waves of our existence and never get tossed because we become the waves.”
Ken Kesey, Kesey's Garage Sale     

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