Warm cuddly cat?

No, you can't compare any of my little collection of cats with a warm furry bundle of real cat.  You can compare the fact that all of these cats are made out of different materials, live in different parts of the house and garden, and have very different stories to tell.  The little beige one belonged to my Granny.  The orange funny shaped one was painted on a stone we found on a Scottish Beach by my God daughter when she was about 8.  Sad story that one because I haven't spoken to her for years - her parents didn't like the fact that I had got divorced.  It does strange things to friendships sometimes...

Of course, none of them can be compared in any sensible way to the apples and oranges and so this is my attempt at the idiom challenge set by Chantler 63 looking at things that cannot really be compared...

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