youngies journey

By youngie66

Road Decking Arrival

Well thanks for all you kind comments on yesterdays blip  about Bob they were much appreciated.
I was in the house most of the day waiting for a delivery of kitchen flloor tiles and also I got frustrated when ordering an item from a website as it stated our KY post code area was part of the free delivery area on the map it also showed it as that but the guy informed me that there was an additional 25 pound charge that was added which bugged my ass as it never stated it on the site I could have argued but as they were the only place I could get my item in time and in the colour I needed my hands were tied humph, oh well anyway I went out and grabbed this shot of a big supply of the new road decking for the new Queensferry Crossing road bridge which is currently being built out in the Forth so this is the shot of the Zhen Hau 24 Heavy Load Carrier which sailed up the Forth today to drop it's cargo, the ships last known port was Singapore and  was slowly being led up the Forth by the tug boats to dock at Rosyth fliying under the Hong Kong (China Flag).
Anyway I do hope the sever weather forcast tonight and tomorrow doesn't effect my job tomorrow as I drive my train to Aberdeen early tomorrow morning and an early dinner of my homemade macaroni cheese with chicken and broccoli and sweetcorn through it and was scrummy now then movie for the day is "Bridging The Gap 2013" go BIG See Ya

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