
By GloryGlory

Brave soldier

Master B has been struggling these last 3 days. He's been crying about school and at school because he wants his Mummy. Proper crying. Proper heart breaking, mournful crying. This morning it started as he woke up and ended up with him being carried into assembly by his teacher. No amount of empathy, comfort or distraction is making him any happier. He just wants me. I cried in the head teachers office, second time in 4years. I'll be getting a reputation. Who cares!!

He was thrilled when I collected him, saying straight away he had something in his bag for me. He'd drawn a picture of a rocket and made a crown for me out of strips of card and sellotape, all by himself, decorating it with felt tip squiggles. He explained he hadn't wanted to go into the writing corner, that he wanted to play, but he felt he needed to make me presents. When I thanked him he held my face and called me his treasure. x His presents are hanging on our string in the living room tonight. He makes my heart explode!

We made up a ditty this evening to say to each other "Even when we're apart, you'll always be in my heart" Then Mr B and I gave him a Burton-Bravery-Sandwich (a squeezy hug between us) and kissed him lots... "Ooooh a swarm of kisses" he said, with total delight! 


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