It's all going on.

Stayed up 'till 1.30am last night cleaning, tidying, packing things in boxes and cramming the cars with stuff to make the pea pod less 'full'!

After the school run I was a like a rocket round the house doing last bits. The estate agent knocked on the door as I was stuffing my duster back in the cupboard! I've never seen the house with so much floor space!

Photos taken. Strange times. We've been here 11 years.

Further more today... the hole at the bottom of the street got deeper, we were surrounded by strapping arboriculturalists wielding chain saws as they slayed great sycamore trees at the back of the house and shredded the smaller branches at the front. Master B was proud helper of the day at pre school and Miss B enjoyed the annual panto at school. PHEW!

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