
By pattons6

My Skateboard

Mummy got me a special board for my buggy today. It's really for when the baby arrives but she is trying to introduce things before the baby arrives so I don't get upset for the baby. Well, no fear with today's surprise, it was a huge success. I helped put it together, then mummy attached it to my buggy. After that I would not get off it. I pretended it was a train, a car, a skateboard & a scooter. I kept shouting all aboard, where is my seat belt mummy? I also asked mummy to join me. She said she was far to heavy, especially at 6 months pregnant!

Today we had a house day. Just as well I had 5 horrible nappies, luckily 1 was at playgroup but mummy had to change the rest, I kept shouting for daddy but he didn't appear, wonder why. Never mind work daddy my nappy is more important. He he all that eating at grandma definitely showed today.

I have had great fun playing with all my new toys. My Doc Mobile was the star play toy.

After a busy day of eating, playing then cuddling mummy I wanted an early bed. Mummy says she hopes the new baby is like me.....if last night is anything to go by things don't look good. Seemingly baby had a party in mummy's tummy last night, she tried everything but nothing settled it. She eventually played classical music, the same as she does for me and guess what, baby fell asleep.

Hopefully mummy will rest tonight, daddy is home from work tomorrow so I have him to run ragged. So it's off to bed for me b

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