Dance daddy

I had another busy day today. Mummy had daddy measure the nursery up so we can make room for my new big girls bed.

Off to Ikea we went, wardrobes, bed, drawers and storage units were all inspected. We eventually narrowed it down to a few, so we need to work out what will fit where before ordering it.

We came home via Grandma & Grandads. Daddy and grandad had a few things to fix in mummy's old flat for the tenants. Mummy and I kept Grandma company. I had great time playing then when grandad came back I had him playing too

When we got home I demanded daddy dance with me. For at least half an hours I danced all round the livingroom with him. I had a brilliant time. Mummy kept playing different tunes for us to dance too.

After all the dancing I was so tired. So jammies on, milk then cuddles with mummy then bed. Mummy said I will have more room in my big girls bed.

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