Withers does Converse styleeee with Buffy!!
Today i spent the day with bumhead Withers laughing and insulting each other !!
Well where shall i start we had a long walk and then stopped for refreshments and intellectual conversation which consists of us both using long words like we know what they mean and going mainly me i have to add, is that the right word???!?!??!? refreshments included 2 cups of cappuccino and for me 1 snicker, 2 packets of crisps and biscuits. Well for withers this was 25 kitkats 10 packets of crisps 2 cappuccinos, honestly it was like watching man versus food if any of you have not seen this it is a man who tours America doing all the restaurant challenges, he never looses Horrified i was, so i thought i can not let her go home with out burning that off so we went off on another walk!!
Where i was made to jump off benches while she set up her camera on her tripod thingy that looks like some sex aid to be honest, don't worry i didn't touch it goodness knows what people thought, firstly seeing the tripod thing and then her shouting orders at me from a far. JUMP, TO THE SIDE, STAR JUMP I think she did say work it baby at one point which concerned me a little!!
A great day was had with a mad mad woman!!!
:) X
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