Who wants to be a millionaire?

I do!

I'm feeling the winter blues, not at all helped by this crappy weather....I just need a holidayto hibernate.

I'm in a total 'cba' mood about everything, including Blip.

I'm not liking the new format, the app doesn't work properly, I get a reminder to blip after I've done it and on top of that, I'm reading all kinds of nonsense on other peoples blips about lifetime memberships being revoked and blips being removed due to 'complaints'.

Seriously....who complains????? If you dont like or agree with something then comment and express your opinion or move on!
This used to be a place where you were free to share your thoughts; now seemingly thoughts and opinions are being censored.

Maybe it's just the funk I'm in at the moment (to coin a phrase from my niece), but if I wasn't so close to my 1000th blip, I think I would just quit.


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