Life seems so .......

After the tragic, awful events unfolding in Paris the mundane and humdrum pieces that add up to my existence in relative safety seem so ..... trivial?

So today I planned for tomorrow's session in the London Borough of Newham, one of the most cosmopolitan areas of the UK. Apparently, according to Newham's own stats:

In 2010, Newham’s population was estimated to be 270,000.
In England and Wales Newham has:
 the youngest age structure
 the highest proportion of children under the age of one
 the second lowest proportion over the age of 65
 the highest number of families with dependent children
 the largest average household size
 the highest birth rate
Around 30% of Newham’s population are children and young people aged under 20. The under 15 population is predicted to increase substantially over the next ten years with an average annual increase of 3%.
Can't wait!

And I bought a carpet. Sorry, back to mundane again.

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