
By Farmerboab

Air ship..

A wee bit windy last night and this morning ! Mrs Farmerboab phoned at 7.30 to say she couldn't get out with the Jeep cos a fallen tree was blocking the avenue. By the time I had fed the cattle, then managed to shove it into the side with the tractor,she was well late for work. The 2 juniors were very upset that they could now get to school !
Sorted out and belly clipped cattle for the market next week,then got a phone call from the school matron saying Junior Farmerboab was unwell and would I come and get him. No wonder I can't get any work done round here !
Spotted this  golden galleon on top of the senior building.It  looked a lot better in real life.I think a re blip on a sunny day ,with a proper camera may be required.
Busy battening down the hatches again tonight as the wind is getting up and snow forecast for tomorrow.
Junior seems recovered enough to be fighting with his wee sister anyway. Back to normal.

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