Mo's picture story

By jettygirlx

French Vocabulary

Lots of superb journalistic coverage in all formats and from all sources, but with the newspapers coming into their own.  Driving back from M&S with two papers in my shopping bag I listened to Radio Scotland's reviewers;  one particularly praised the Guardian and their front page which was devoted, he told us,  to the "bloody denouncement (sic)" of the attack in Paris.  "He's muddled that", I thought, but I was even more surprised when I arrived home and saw that he had been reading the actual headline and seemed not to recognise the word denouement!

For the past two days, in awful circumstances, French journalists, commentators, witnesses and numerous Parisians of all ages have spoken in good to excellent English, with complex vocabulary.   What a contrast!

To make matters worse, we commonly 'borrow' the word denouement  in English .... that's one of the clever aspects of the Guardian headline!

OK I'm an intellectual snob!  You can take the English teacher out of the classroom................

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