
By Angelique


Well I certainly hope not!  For those of you who following my journal, you will know I travelled to the Somerset Levels yesterday to my Stained Glass course.  The road I have to take was closed last year for over 8 weeks due to the serious flooding which was featured this week on National TV.  As you can see from the above photo, the 'dykes' that run at strategic places are already getting full and the rain keeps coming.

There are still people suffering from last year and I just hope the rain stops coming!!  At last they have set up a special 'body' to monitor the rivers across the area.  You mean there wasn't one before!!!!  The mind boggles.

Moving on, swiftly.  The viewing was probably a waste of time but at least it was a good opportunity to clear up after the Christmas festivities.  Don't think the house would suit them (she was quite a 'large' lady).  There are 26 stairs in this house and you do need to be fit!!

We thoroughly enjoyed entertaining our two most loyal supporters of our singing last evening, hence no blip.

Today we have finally taken the outside Christmas lights down.  That was the easy bit.  Untangling the wires would have been a good test and useful on an 'Anger Management' course.  I didn't swear once, promise.  Well not out loud anyway.

Thankyou for being patient with me.  Sending hugs xxx

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