Birthday cake

A 5:00 alarm call for Alex's return trip to Abu Dhabi. This time, he could be rest assured I wouldn't over sleep as he feared in November.
He's certainly glad to be leaving the cold & rain for another stint in the sun -sigh- I wish I was heading there alongside him, some vitamin D would do me a whole lot of good!
Unfortunatly his flight was delayed twice, so what was intended to be an 8:30am departure ended up being a 10:00pm one.
I was certainly sad to see him go again but glad to have spent some fun days & evenings together over Christmas. Of course I will miss him and I do look forward to his return - but I also know that he will continue to have a fab time whilst he's there.
Who can begrudge anyone that?! Fingers crossed to what the future holds upon his return.

Joseph's birthday meal made me feel old! It was cute to see him & his girlfriend together, doing that whole "teenagers in love" thing. He thanked me profusely for the Urban Ears - which seem to very much be the listening device of choice at the moment!
Plus!! Mum told Caroline & I that her & Haydn are most definitely planning to get married - at some point soon! 14 years after they met! Go Mr & Mrs B!!

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