January Challenge Week 2

The weather today was weird.  Bright sunshine, then rain, then sleet, then snow - and then back to sunshine. And gale force winds too.  I did not feel inclined to go out anywhere.  Managed to quickly put the bird food out in between showers and while I was out in the garden I took down some hanging baskets - better for the brackets to have less weight on them in the wind.

The chap came this afternoon to replace the broken floorboards on the landing.  He is the same guy who sorted my boiler out when it wouldn't work over Christmas.  He made a good job of the floorboards and only charged £20.  So I have phoned the fitters to come back and fit the vinyl - they are busy and can't come till 23rd.  But I'm in no hurry so that's fine.

Listened to the football on the radio this afternoon whilst doing the ironing.  Newcastle were away at Chelsea.  Newcastle got beat 2 - 0.  Before the match I had expected them to get beat but I started to get hopeful of a good result as Newcastle played well in the first half.  However they didn't get the ball in the net and in the second half Chelsea got their act together and were the better team in the end.

My blip short sort of fits with today's January challenge - Spill the Beans.  I know its not beans - its buttons.  I was upstairs and heard a crash.  This isn't an unusual ocurrance if you have cats - especially Bengal cats.  They are always knocking something or other off.  When I came into the dining room I discovered that a kitty had knocked down my button box and spilled the contents.  Not sure which kitty had done it and neither of them would " spill the beans ". You can see Tino's paw on the right of the shot but Lily was also sniffing around so I'm still in the dark as to who the culprit was.  

Steps today - 5,557

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