January Challenge Week 2

Quiet day today - nothing much happened.  Went out to the Co-op this afternoon.  I had left it till late and when I got into the shop I heard a tannoy announcement saying they were closing in 5 mins.  I dashed around like I was on the TV programme " Supermarket Sweep ".  Remember that ?? - Dale Winton was the host.   I knew what I wanted so I was at the checkout in double quick time.

The weather has been milder today and the wind has dropped so it was quite pleasant while I was out.

Caught up with some TV viewing.  Finally watched Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows - Part 2 which I recorded before Christmas.  

The January Idiom Challenge for today is Bananas " Go Bananas " (meaning to act a little bit crazy ).  My shot illustrates what makes Lily go a bit crazy.  Its a feathered toy on a pole called " Da Bird ".  I couldn't get a shot of her playing with the toy as she really does go crazy for it and she would just be a blur. I have to make it swoop around so she can jump up and catch it or drag it along the floor so she can pounce on it. In this shot she has " captured " Da Bird and carried it to the table.  She is just about to pounce on it.  She is mad for this toy and if she sees it she will stand beside it and cry for me to play with her. She would play with it for hours. So mostly " Da Bird " stays hidden in the hall cupboard until I have time to play.

Steps today - 7,660

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