Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Friday, January 9, 2015 -- Max Gets a Bath

After days of walking dogs on the beach, it was time to bathe them, so here's Max getting a bath. Then we bought him a "Thunder Shirt" to help with with growing anxiety when we go on long journeys in the car. 

We had bathed Mitzi back at the house in the shower, but Max is much bigger than she is, so we took him to a "self-bathing" station at the local pet store in Morro Bay, and little Chloe did not get a bath, but she is taller than the Shiht-zus, so she doesn't get her belly in the sand as we walk on the beach and she has much shorter hair. So Chloe will get a bath in a few days.

Good night from the Central Coast,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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