For G&G 2

5years 82days

Long night. She woke up at 3 with a particularly hurty tummy that made it clear it wasn't happy. She eventually went back to sleep at 5 til 745. I was meant to be at work but decided to cancel. She lay in her bed watching TV on the iPad for a while, before moving downstairs to do similar. She had a bath, attempted and abandoned some breakfast, then curled up in my bed with her towel still round her.

Whilst she slept, uncle Simon facetimed us, still in Vietnam, not long to depart for Bali. His voice woke her. After a few minutes, she was in giggly, happy, face pulling "yey it's Uncle Simon" mode. She has even since agreed to put on clothes, go out for bread and for a while  suggested she wanted to rollerskate. It didn't take long for her to realise she didn't want to do that and descend into sorry for herself sad girl. But it didn't take long after that for mama cuddles to be what was needed

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