Down on the farm

After dropping David at work and a seven piece breakfast in Dobbies we went in search of a blip.
We had more snow at home but it was overcast and dull. We drove down to the Kessock Bridge to see if the otters were around but not a lot happening. So we drove down to Milton of Redcastle.We had to pull over to let a tractor carrying a damaged metal animal feeder go past, it took up most of the road.
The rain/sleet had stopped as we parked to look at the birds on the Firth and I took a few photos of the Trinity boat and the Eton oar on the wall, which I think was slightly damaged since the last time I saw it.
A huge tree had come down in the grounds bringing down part of the wall, luckily falling away from the road otherwise Sammy the red Squirrels tree and surrounding houses would have been damaged. Several other large branches and trees had come down which was sad to see.
I always like looking down on these farm buildings on the edge of the Firth.

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