Feeling hungry

This gull popped in today to take some cheese I had put out. We had lost some of the food when the electric was off , luckily there was nt too much in the fridge and it's tricky to know what to do as there is heavy snow forecast for the next few days and we do nt really want to fill the fridge incase it goes off again. We've managed to get the calor gas cooker out of the garage after Mike had managed  to move the things that we moved there from the log cabin. The insurers should be out on Thursday and as expected they are rather busy at the moment.
The trampoline has now been blown into the burn. It was another night of strong winds. You can hear it approaching,  getting louder and louder and can then just stop until it starts again.
Some very wicked seas around especially off Shetland and Orkney.
 Have cancelled Brownies tomorrow :(
First sighting of a male siskin on the feeder this year.

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