
I have been a very keen reader for long as I have been able to read. I started with Enid Blyton, then from there straight onto Ian Fleming and then I started to read my way through the classics. 

I read a lot less when the kids were small; I never had time to get to a book shop, never mind have the time to browse. And we were running out of space for my collection. I find it very hard indeed to part with any of my precious books. This bookcase holds around 150 books, and there are several hundred more scattered around the house. 

Then I got a Kindle. I wasn't sure about it to begin with; there's something about the feel and smell of a book. However it didn't take long to see the benefits. The Kindle now contains 136 books, and my iPad and phone are linked to my Kindle account, so I can read books on them too. The Kindle is still better though, its lighter, easier on the eye and you don't get distracted by all the other things that the iPad does. If I read a review or get a recommendation I can download the book straight away. I can increase the font size, I can look up words by tapping on the page, I can share them with my husband via his tablet and phone. 

My daughter, however, is sticking to paperbacks! 

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