diary days

By Carie

Another painting finished!

This is a whimsical one. As a part of "America Week" there is an exhibition at Seef Mall of paintings with an American theme, and this is one of my entries. It was a rush to finish as I started it late and then I knew my framer would be closed today, so I ordered the frame on Wednesday in the hope it would be finished by 3pm Thursday before he closed for the weekend, but I wasn't finished, so took the frame and cut the mat and put it in the frame today.

These are just some of the things that my (now grown up) kids miss from living in the U.S.A. I had to use things that I can buy here, so there are many things missing like "York mint patties" and "Reese's" (saw some of them today - too late -at another supermarket!), "Tootsie Rolls" and much more teeth rotting stuff! Can't get most of this stuff back in the UK, so I have to take home "food parcels" whenever I go.

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